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Entrepreneur: Special Episode - Is Covid19 crisis or opportunity

Tue, Jun 23


Online Event

COVID-19 has effected business in all industries across the board. Do you see the end of your industry?

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Entrepreneur: Special Episode - Is Covid19 crisis or opportunity
Entrepreneur: Special Episode - Is Covid19 crisis or opportunity

Time & Location

Jun 23, 2020, 8:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Online Event

About the event

 Entrepreneur: Past VS Future Special Episode - Is COVID19 crisis or opportunity? 創業家:從過去看未來 特別篇 - COVID19是危機或是轉機? FREE for ALL MEMBERS & NON-MEMBERS Must RSVP to receive Google Meet Room Information 參加者需提前報名 才可獲得 Google Meet 線上課堂資訊 Class / Material: Chinese (課程及教材皆為中文) COVID-19 has effected business in all industries across the board. Do you see the end of your industry? What entrepreneurial opportunities are there if you seek to start your own business? In this episode of Entrepreneur Panel, we invited back the panelists from the first two episodes of the series to share with us the changes in their industries, the opportunities that arise out of this crisis, and advice for those looking to pursue a similar path. COVID19 疫情對於各大產業造成了不同程度的影響,而你目前的產業是否也遭遇了危機? 在這段時間內又有什麼創業的新轉機呢? 我們再度邀請了前兩次活動的講者,來分享在他們目前的專業領域裡,是否有看到了危機內的轉機。如果你現在想要在同類型的領域裡發展,又需要注意什麼呢?

1. How’s COVID19 changed your business/industry? Positive or negative impacts? COVID如何改變了你目前的事業或是領域?有那些正面或是負面的影響?

2. Do you see any new opportunities inside this crisis? 在這次的疫情內,有看到新的轉機嗎?

3. If anyone wants to start their new business now, similar to your business/industry, what are your advises? 若是有人現在想要在同類型的領域裡發展事業,你會給予什麼樣的意見呢?

【Speakers 講者介紹】

EP.1 ⭐️《Ken Shen 沈毅昌》⭐️

- WTCCJC 9th Term President 世界台灣商會聯合總會青商會第九屆會長

- TJCCNA 14th Term President 北美州台灣商會聯合總會青商部第十四屆會長

- TJCCLA 16th Term President 洛杉磯台美商會青商部第十六屆會長

- Branch Manager 分行經理 - Royal Business Bank 皇佳商業銀行

Experience 創業經歷 : KTV Software Design KTV軟體設計, Direct Marketing 直銷

Current 目前生意 : Import/Export 貿易

Fans Page 粉絲頁: Kenny會長跑世界

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EP.1 ⭐️《Cynthia Kao 高欣怡》⭐️

- TJCCLA 20th Term President 現任洛杉磯台美商會青商部會長

- TJCCNA 16th Term Treasurer 現任北美洲台灣商會聯合總會青商部財務長

- Account Manager 經理 - Amity & Elite Insurance Services Inc. 永泰保險

- Specialized on auto, home and health insurance 專精車子、房子以及醫療保險

- Licensed agent: 0I75653 (Property & Casualty + Life & Health) 持有P&C以及L&H保險執照

- Over 6 years of experience in the insurance industry 六年以上的保險業務經驗

- Experience 創業經歷 :Facebook Store 臉書網店, Cubic Shop 格子店

- Current 目前生意: Mobile APP Store 手機APP網店

Fans Page 粉絲頁: Cynthia Kao - 20th Tjccla President 第二十屆洛杉磯台美商會青商部會長

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EP.1 ⭐️《William Wei 蔚威廉》⭐️

- TJCCLA Board of Director 現任洛杉磯台美商會青商部理事

- CA Licensed Real Estate Agent(CalDRE #01937762) 加州註冊地產經紀人

- Experience 經歷 :eBay, Amazon, Yahoo, Web Store 傳統網店, Cellphone Store 實體手機店, Bookkeeping Service 簿記服務, Tourism Industry 旅遊業

- Current 目前生意:Full-Time Commercial & Real Estate Agent 全職商住不動產經紀人, National Association of Realtors Short-Sale and REO Certified 美國地產協會認證短售與銀行屋專家, PACE+ US International High School Program 美國國際高中教育

Fans Page 粉絲頁: William Wei, Realtor

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EP.2 ⭐️《Eric Fu 傅瑞克》⭐️

- TJCCLA 20th Term Vice President 現任洛杉磯台美商會青商部副會長

- TJCCLA 18th Term Vice President 洛杉磯台美商會青商部第十八屆副會長

- Co-Founder of PeekPeek 聯合創辦人

Experience 經歷:Mr. Fu Studio Photographer 攝影師, ekwan investment associate 投資合夥人, K Production Director of Photography 攝影指導, iDream Art Director 藝術總監, Google Street View Photographer Google街景攝影師

Current 目前生意 :PeekPeek VR

Fans Page 粉絲頁 :Mr Fu Studio & PeekPeek

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EP.2 ⭐️《Cindy Lee 李佩璇》⭐️

- TJCCLA 20th Term BOD 現任洛杉磯台美商會青商部理事

- TJCCLA 19th Term BOD 洛杉磯台美商會青商部第十九屆理事

- TAP-LA 2019-2020 Vice President 洛杉磯台美精英協會副會長

- TAP-DC 2018-2019 Vice President 華府台美精英協會副會長

- Founder of Adventure Caps 創辦人

- Sales & Marketing Project Manager of Pixel Canvas Studios 銷售及行銷專案經理

Experience 經歷 :Convention Sales 會議項目銷售 - San Francisco Travel Association, Catering Sales 餐飲項目銷售- Aramark, Event Sales 活動項目銷售- Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Food & Beverage 餐飲管理 - Hilton Hotel, Hospitality Administration 酒店管理 - Boston University

Current 目前生意:Adventure Caps & Pixel Canvas Studios (Reiko's Fragments)

Fans Page 粉絲頁 : Adventure Caps & Reiko's Fragments

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EP.2 ⭐️《Jerry Hong 洪俊傑》⭐

- TJCCLA 18th Term BOD 洛杉磯台美商會青商部第十八屆理事

- Co-Founder of Water Swift System 洛城水管家 聯合創辦人

- Former Co-Owner of BreadFish Cafe 前 五餅二魚餐廳 合夥人

Experience 經歷 :American Honda Mechanical Engineer 機械工程師, Strawberry Cones Japanese Pizza Managing Partner 管理合夥人, Coldwell Banker Commercial 商業地產分析師, BreadFish Cafe Co-Owner 五餅二魚餐廳合夥人, Sunlux Solar Engineer, Sales Manager, Trainer 太陽能工程師、銷售經理、業務培訓師

Current 目前生意:Water Swift System 洛城水管家

Fans Page 粉絲頁:N/A

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【Moderator 主持人介紹】

🔥《Henry Hong 洪選祐》🔥

Cast into the workforce right out of high school soon after the 2008 recession, Henry took on various roles in the computer components industry. He’s been a sales assistant, an inside sales rep, a product manager, and ended up in GIGABYTE’s marketing team as the events coordinator. After nearly a decade in the industry, he decided to transition into being an actor, a business about branding, marketing, and promoting himself. 

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